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Cycling post-lockdown - a guide to the changes

To try to keep everyone safe whilst at Pedal Power and help us all keep cycling this year, we have made lots of changes and would like to share them with you.

Your Visit

  1. Book in advance

  2. Check in at Reception to confirm your booking

  3. Wait in the designated area – your bike will be brought to you

  4. Return your bike to the designated area


First thing to remember is please book. You can do this by calling 02920390713 Wed-Sun or email

This helps us stagger everyone arriving to cycle and helps avoid big queues.

We keep details of all our hires on our system and for members this helps you get the right trike or bike but now it also helps us provide a track and trace system for visitors so if you do have symptoms in the week after a visit please get in contact so we can all keep safe.

When visiting Pedal Power the first thing to always remember is that the 2m social distancing rule still applies and we ask everyone to respect this and keep politely reminding each other if we start to drift!

We have to say that if you or someone you live with, care for or work closely with does have Covid-19 symptoms then please do not visit Pedal Power until the appropriate isolating time is up.

Checking in

Our site layout has changed. Please follow the blue arrows to our new RECEPTION front where our café used to be (yes this does mean that for the meantime our café is closed).

A toilet for Pedal Power customers is accessible past our reception point. Please remember that we are trying to keep all areas clean and tidy and if you require help always ask a member of staff.

There is a one-way system for the toilet and please be patient if it is in use.

Hand sanitiser is available both at our reception and toilet, please feel free to use this.

Getting your bike

When hiring a bike or waiting for any of our services you will be directed to the appropriate WAITING POINT. Please listen to our staff and respect our social distancing signage.

Our new system means your bike will be brought to you. This should mean you get cycling faster than before but please do respect that because of the current situation things can take longer and may require a little waiting.

Returning your bike

All of our bikes are going through a strict sanitising process and after your ride you will be asked to return your cycle to our BIKE RETURN AREA at the bikeshed to rear of our site. Once dropped off you can go on your way and our staff will sanitise and wipe down your bike before it can be added back into our fleet for hire.

All cycles coming through our workshop and stored overnight must be sanitised before entering the building. This has been our procedure since mid March and is for the safety of our staff and customers so please respect this and don’t touch bikes unnecessarily.


You will notice our staff are all using PPE and we have a PPE station and sanitiser points set up inside our building to help them replenish safety gear and keep safe. We do ask that no members of the public enter our building unless invited. This is to help us maintain social distancing whilst at work and keep everyone safe.

Our staff here at Pedal Power perform many different roles and work with a wide range of cyclists so we may appear in different PPE as per our role. Please respect that we all wear the same t-shirts but will be doing specific jobs so mask/visor use may vary.

Always remember if you have any questions or need some help please ask. We are always here to help and have a friendly social distanced chat. You are more than welcome to check out our site before booking and ask any questions regarding our procedures.

Finally, the best thing we can do is keep smiling and cycling and that is our plan for this summer so please book in and pay us a visit. We look forward to seeing you!

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