Whitchurch Senior Ladies Society Score Hole in One (as far as we're concerned!)

Okay, it's not the wittiest golfing reference but the sentiment is true. Whitchurch Golf Club's Senior Ladies Society spent time and much effort last year raising funds for Pedal Power. Of course, we were delighted when Betty called to say she had a donation to give us but attempts to bring the cheque were thwarted by you know what until last week, when Betty and Janet visited us in person (at a suitable distance).. You can't read it on the photo but we were knocked out by the amount - £2,000!!! What a fantastic amount to raise and couldn't come at a better time as, post lock-down, every single penny counts and this is a lots of pennies!
It was wonderful that Betty and Janet did come to site, as they both had the opportunity to see Pedal Power in action and really appreciate how their donation is making a such difference to people's lives. Not much more to say except a HUGE THANK YOU! oh, and if you know of a society that would like to raise money for Pedal Power, do encourage them.....