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Lantern Ride Route Maps
Both rides will be approximately 1 hour in duration, and both include some on-road sections. The rides will be fully marshalled, but if you have any concerns about your cycling ability or questions, please get in touch with Hilary on 07895533848
Bute Park route, leaving from Pedal Power Pontcanna:
Saturday 1st Feb - 5pm
Saturday 1st March - 6pm
Our cafe at Pontcanna will stop serving at 3.30pm, but will remain open as a warm space. All riders will be offered a free hot chocolate after the ride!

Cardiff Bay route, leaving from Pedal Power Cardiff Bay:
Saturday 15th Feb - 5.30pm
Cilantro's coffee van will be at our Bay site before and after the ride, selling hot drinks, sweet treats and homemade soup and bread rolls.
Please note that there is no indoor space or toilets at the Bay site (nearest toilets are at WMC).

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